This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want an even-numbered group of at least 10 people. No equipment is needed.

Setting: Outdoor or Gymnasium

Game Instructions:

Players stand in pairs with their arms linked together. (We call these pairs twins!) All of the twins form a circle. There are two people (not a pair) in the middle. One is the chaser and one is being chased. The person being chased must link arms with one of the twins before he is tagged by the chaser. As soon as he does this, the twin’s partner has to let go and is now being chased. Only two people can be linked at a time. (No triplets!) If the chaser touches the person he is chasing, that person becomes “It” and tries to catch the loose person before he links arms with one of the twins. This is a fast-moving game. It’s less strenuous if you have a bigger group because there are more people taking turns chasing and being chased. It’s a great large group game.