Art Critic

This is a good game for ages 7+. You’ll want a group of at least 5 people.  No art skills necessary.

Supplies: Pens and paper for everyone

Setting: Best around a table

Game Instructions: Ask your group to sit in a circle, or around a table. Hand out paper and pens to everyone. You begin this game by everyone writing a sentence at the top of their paper. It can be anything. Then everyone passes their piece of paper to the next person. The next person draws a picture that illustrates the sentence. Then they fold the sentence portion of the paper down so that only the picture is visible. They pass this on, and the next person writes a sentence based on the drawing they see. They then fold the paper concealing the picture so only the sentence is visible. They pass it on for the next person to illustrate the sentence.

The paper is passed several times until there are 4 pictures and sentences on each paper. Then everyone passes the papers around and laughs at the crazy alterations of the story and pictures.