Family Art Gallery

Art Gallery

We have a little artist at our house. She loves to color, glue, and paint.  It’s a passion we want to encourage, but it comes with a lot of clutter.  We found a great way to celebrate her artistic talents and tidy up the mess all at once.

We collected all of her best artwork in a box for several months. Then, we      sent out invitations to an art show.  We even gave the show a fancy name, “Just a Bit of Blue Sky”. We invited family and neighbors to come stroll through our house admiring the art.

In preparation, we hung all of her art on the walls.  We also invited siblings, cousins, and friends to bring their art. We hung it all up with masking tape.

My husband made a nameplate for each artist, a title for their display, and a brief description of the artist.  We also set up a table with coloring pages and watercolor supplies so guests could create a new piece of art to add to the gallery. We served brownies and ice cream, at the request of our featured artist.

It was a really fun evening, and our daughter was so pleased to share her masterpieces.  We left the art up for a few days. Then we gathered it all and put her favorites in her scrapbook. We took pictures of the large pieces to add to her scrapbook too. Then we let the rest go to Art Heaven.