Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses

Isn’t Christmas so fun?! One of our favorite holiday activities is making little gingerbread houses out of graham crackers.

Last Christmas, I helped A LOT of kids make candy-covered cottages. We made twenty in my son’s kindergarten class, thirty in my other son’s third grade class, and five at home. –So I am feeling like a real pro. Here’s what to do:

Gingerbread Houses

Collect empty milk cartons at school lunch. Rinse the cartons and leave right-side-up and open so they can dry. Once dry, close the cartons and staple the top so they will stay closed.

Milk Carton

Collect lots of sugary decorations and lay them out on plates. Some ideas for decorations include cereal, cookies, licorice, sprinkles, pretzels, gumdrops, candy canes, kisses, gingerbread men cookies, M&Ms, Smarties, jellybeans, coconut, chocolate chips, and gummy bears.  At school, we sent a note home with the students to ask parents to donate candy and decorating supplies.


Prepare Royal Icing. You’ll need to double/triple+ recipe if you are making many houses. I have found one recipe will make about five houses. I used 4 lbs of powdered sugar for 20 students and 6 lbs for 30 students when we made the houses at school.

Recipe for Royal Icing

1 lb. powdered sugar

1 tsp. lemon juice or vanilla

2 egg whites

Put the egg whites in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer until frothy. Stir in lemon juice. Add sugar. Beat with mixer until thoroughly mixed. The icing should be very thick but thin enough to push through a small decorating tip. 


Scoop the icing into quart size Ziploc bags– two large scoops per bag. When you are ready to work on the houses, snip a corner off the bag, then push the icing toward that corner to pipe out.

Before the kids begin, give each child two small paper plates, 6 graham cracker squares, and a milk carton.  One paper plate will be used as the base for the house.  The other will be used to carry candy and other sugary decorations from one location to another.  –At home we didn’t need two plates because the candy was on the same table as the children.  At school, we had a table with all the treats and the students worked at their individual desks/tables.

Royal Icing

Explain to the kids that you and the other adults will be the “gluers”. Divide your group into manageable sections– 4-8 kids per adult. The kids should raise their hands whenever they need more icing. The adults roam around the room, piping out icing as needed, and complimenting the little engineers with great enthusiasm.

Gingerbread House

Happy building and Merry Christmas!


Bitty Boat Races


This year it was unseasonably warm on Presidents Day.  It was 60 degrees in February!  We had to take advantage of the beautiful weather.  The cousins spent the night and we had a full day of adventure ahead of us!  …But what to do?

Boat Builders

The kids toyed with the idea of a cooking activity like the TV show, “Chopped”. In the show, chefs are given a box of surprise ingredients. They have 30 minutes to make a meal using the items in their mystery box. Our kids decided they could do something similar with a boat-making contest.

boat out of junk

Boat Builders 2

I gathered containers from the recycling can, balloons, straws, popsicle sticks, plastic cups and paper plates. I separated the items into boxes. We gathered a pile of tape, glue, scissors, and extra supplies in the kitchen for general use. The kids divided into partnerships of two and each group selected a mystery box. During the first round, the timer was set for 20 minutes. When the timer rang, the kids all stepped away from their boats. They had so much fun that they decided to have a second round.

Boat Builders

In the end, we had six boats made by three teams. We took them to the park and let them float down the creek.

Floating Boats

The kids had a great time rescuing their boats and “helping” them along with sticks, as the water was not moving quickly. They even put a tissue in each boat so they could measure how much water got inside the boats.

The adults and smaller kids had a great time cheering from the bridge.


Afterward, we had a picnic lunch and played on the playground.  It was a terrific day.



Our Favorite Valentines

Valentines Mustaches

We have been making the same valentines for our elementary school children for many years. That may sound uncreative, but the kids just love these! I offer lots of other ideas every year, but they usually come back to this one. Their friends love them and I see them used all year long.

Mustache Template

  1. First, I make three different mustache templates. I trace the templates on brown and black card stock, then cut out 3-4 sheets at a time. (This year we made 100 mustaches!)

  1. Next, we type up a little greeting. It has to be in 8-point font to fit on the back of the mustaches. Ours says “I hope this makes you smile! Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Barney”. We cut these out and paste them on the back of the mustaches with a gluestick.

  1. The next step is to laminate the mustaches. I have a little home laminator that makes this easy. We then cut the mustaches out again, but don’t worry about being too precise.

Mustache Kids

  1. The last step is to hot glue a pen to each mustache. You might also have to pull off that stringy hair-stuff that is created by hot glue guns.  Wa-La! You’ll have the best valentines ever!

Valentines in Class