This is a good game for ages 7 – adult. You’ll want a group of at least 5 people.
Supplies: Five dice for each player and a flat surface. A table is ideal.
Game Instructions:
Distribute 5 dice to each person. Identify one person to be the lead caller for round one. Each person rolls their own group of dice, quickly covering them with their hands so no one else can see what they have rolled. (Notice the cupped hands around the dice in the photos.)
Players then go around the table, in order, calling out their bids. For example, the lead caller might begin by announcing, “Seven twos”. This bid indicates that the bidder believes there are a total of 7 dice that are twos or ones on the table. Ones are wild. The players decide if they want to increase the number of twos or match/increase a different number. The second bidder may call, “Eight twos.” The third may say “Eight threes”. Once the bidding reaches sixes, matching is no longer an option. If the bid was “Eight sixes”, the next bidder would have to say nine or more of another number. Of course, no one has to match. They can go from seven twos to thirteen fives immediately.
If a bidder does not want to increase his bid, he can challenge the previous bidder. When this occurs, everyone shows their dice. The total number of ones and bid numbers on the table are counted. If the bidder is correct, the challenger loses a die. If the bidder is incorrect, the bidder loses one die. For instance, if the last bid was thirteen threes, and there are eight threes and six ones = 14 dice, the person who challenged loses one die. When a dice is lost, it is set aside for the remainder of the game.
Once a player is out of dice, they are out of the game. After each round, play begins again with the person who last bid or challenged. The last person with dice wins!