It’s time for a TALL Party
We have tall genes in our family. We knew our boys would all be taller than six feet as adults. So far, three of them have passed the mark. Our fourth son just turned twelve, so we’ll give him a couple more years.
When our oldest son reached the height of six feet, we decided we should celebrate. We threw a Six-Foot Tall Party for him, inviting our extended family to join in the tall celebration.
Dinner for this party was a lot of fun. I made a six-foot-long sandwich and a six-foot-long banana split!
I worked at Subway as a teenager, so I felt confident I could make my own sandwich. Years later, when we repeated this party for our younger sons, I just ordered six-foot sandwiches from a grocery store deli. That made it a lot easier, but here’s the instructions if you want to make your own.
6-Foot Dinner
I made enough bread dough for six loaves of bread. I rolled out 1/4 of the dough into a large rectangle, then cut it in three long strips. I braided the dough and placed it diagonally on a greased cookie sheet. I made four of these loaves- each just over 18″ long. I let them raise until they reached my desired size, then baked them for 24 minutes. (My regular loaves usually take 30 minutes to bake.)
I made these the day before the party, allowed them to cool, then wrapped them in plastic wrap.
On the night of the party, I lay them side by side on a table. I trimmed off the ends (except for the two on the far ends) and pushed them together so they appeared to be one six-foot loaf. I filled them with sandwich fixin’s and it was the freshest, yummiest six footer I’ve ever tasted!

We made our six-foot-long banana split in a rain gutter. Plastic rain gutters are very inexpensive at Lowe’s or Home Depot- less than $10. I scrubbed it clean and it made a perfect 6-foot long bowl for our ice cream. This is surely against health code, but lots of fun!

6-Foot Party Activities
When the guests arrived, we measured all of them on our growth chart. We need to know how tall everyone is at a Tall Party.

We included markings for a few famous people, including the tallest man and woman to ever live. Tallest woman: Zeng Jinlian of China (8′ 1 3/4”) Tallest man: Robert Wadlow (8′ 11.1”)
Our first activity was a slam dunk contest in the driveway. We used a mini trampoline for the contest. Be careful if you decide to do this. Our little tramp’s legs fell off after a dozen dunks. Oops! An alternative idea would be to play the basketball game of HORSE but spell SIX instead.

Next we played volleyball, which is a tall person’s game but is also great for all sizes of people.
The next activity was a game we call “Line Up”. In this game, you divide your group into two teams. The person in charge then calls out a sorting category and the teams race to be the first group lined up in the proper order.

Here are a few examples of sorting categories: Height (tallest to shortest), Age (oldest to youngest), Hair length, Shoe size, fingernail length, birth date by month- not year (January to December), number of times you’ve been to Disneyland, your favorite Star Wars character by height, your favorite sport alphabetically. You can think of all kinds of things! Make the list and give it to the caller. He then begins each line-up race by saying something like, “Think of your favorite food. What letter does that food begin with? Now line up alphabetically A to Z.) Fun!

Our last game was one we call the “30 Second Game”. Again, we divided our group into two teams. Previously, I had printed a long list of famous people (and a few neighbors and friends) who are over 6’0″ tall. I cut up the list so there was one name on each slip of paper and put the names in a bowl. The teams took turns having one person give clues to their team. Their goal was to get their team to guess as many names as they could in thirty seconds. Teams took turns, trading the clue giver each time, until the bowl was empty. Here’s my list: Tall People List

Everyone took home a party favor: a long pack of Sixlets! Hooray for tall people!
Check out more great party ideas on our website!
Parties for Little Kids Ages 3-7