
This is a good game for all ages of people who can read/write. You’ll want a group of 4-18 people.

Supplies: Pens and paper for everyone

Game Instructions: In this game, each person is asked to make up a category or fill-in-the-blank for the others to answer. It’s like Scattergories but the goal is to match the other players, not to get an original answer. Examples: Snow__________, Name a color, Tooth_________, Name a song sung by Elvis Presley, Name a Disney princess.

Players number their papers according to how many categories will be given. Then the group goes around the circle, giving their categories and everyone filling in their answers. After everyone has written all of their answers, the group again goes around asking each person to share their answers. Everyone gets a point for each match. If five people answered, “Snow Man”, they each get five points. If only one person said, “Snow White”, that person gets one point. The person with the most points wins the game.