This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want an even-numbered group of at least 10 people. No equipment is needed.

Setting: Outdoor or Gymnasium

Game Instructions:

Players stand in pairs with their arms linked together. (We call these pairs twins!) All of the twins form a circle. There are two people (not a pair) in the middle. One is the chaser and one is being chased. The person being chased must link arms with one of the twins before he is tagged by the chaser. As soon as he does this, the twin’s partner has to let go and is now being chased. Only two people can be linked at a time. (No triplets!) If the chaser touches the person he is chasing, that person becomes “It” and tries to catch the loose person before he links arms with one of the twins. This is a fast-moving game. It’s less strenuous if you have a bigger group because there are more people taking turns chasing and being chased. It’s a great large group game.


Blanket Game

This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want a group of at least 8 people. This game should be played with people who are familiar with the names of the other people in the group.

Supplies: 1 Large Blanket or Sheet (cannot be see-through) Setting: Outdoor or Indoor

Game Instructions:

Set up the game by facing two chairs toward each other. (The people who will sit in these chairs should be looking directly at each other.) Then have two people hold a blanket between the chairs as a dividing curtain. (Your blanket-holders will not be playing the game.) Divide the players into two groups. Each team sits on one side of the blanket so they cannot see the other team. Each team quietly chooses one person to sit in the chair. After the players are seated, the blanket-holders drop the blanket. The two people in the chairs try to be the first to yell the other person’s name. The winner gets one point. Then you put the blanket back up and change who sits in the chair for the next round. This sounds so simple and silly, but it really is fun. Try it. You’ll like it!

Newspaper Battle

This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want a group of at least 8 people.

Supplies: Lots of newspaper, 2 chairs, 2 light-weight cups (can be foam or paper)

Game Instructions:

Divide your space in half and your participants into two groups. Set a pile of newspaper in the middle. People should sit on the ground in one or two rows like the X’s in the diagram below. The lone O’s on the back rows represent the “Cup Men”. Each Cup Man sits on a chair with a cup on his head. The others work as defensive and offensive players. They wad up newspaper and throw it at the opposition’s Cup Man. The goal of the game is to knock the cup off his head. Teams score a point each time they do this. The Cup Men cannot hold onto their cups. If the cup falls because the Cup Men move or flinch, it’s still a point for the other team.  All other players must stay on their knees or bums. No standing! They must crawl around gathering newspaper ammunition.

Make sure everyone helps clean up afterward!