This game is one of our favorites. We play it more than any other game. It’s kind of like a homemade version of Catch Phrase. It works well for ages 10 – adult. You’ll want a group of at least 6 people.
Supplies: Paper and pens for everyone, a timer, and a large bowl.
Game Instructions: Cut your paper into 80+ small slips. Give everyone several of these pieces of paper and ask that they write a person’s name on each one. The people they choose should be known to at least two other people in the group. These names can be famous, historical, fictional, literary, religious, family, etc. The more variety, the better! Fold each name once or twice and drop them in the bowl.
Once you have a bowlful of names, you’re ready to play. Divide your group into two teams. The groups take turns playing. One person holds the bowl and gives clues to their team. They cannot say any part of the word on the slip of paper, but any other clues are legal. If they don’t know the name, they may put it back in the bowl and select a new name.
Clue-givers get 40 seconds to get as many names as they can. Players earn a point for every name their team guesses correctly.