Do You Love Your Neighbor?

This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want a group of at least 6 people. No equipment needed. Setting: Outdoor or Indoor

Game Instructions:

Players sit on chairs in a circle. One person is “It” in the middle. “It” asks one of the sitting players, “Do you love your neighbor?” If the person replies, “No,” the players seated on both sides of that person must switch seats. “It” tries to sit in a chair before the switch is made. If successful, the person left without a chair is now “It”. However, if the person replies “Yes” to the question of loving their neighbor, they follow up with, “Yes, but I don’t like people who _____________.” Some examples of this answer are, “Yes, but I don’t like people who are wearing sandals” or “Yes, but I don’t like people who have graduated from high school.” All seated players who fit the description must jump up and trade seats. “It” tries to get a seat as well. The person left without a seat is the next person to be “It”.