Family Road Relay Race

A little family competition is always good fun.  Here’s a plan for a simple road relay where teams are timed as they race to complete tasks.

Family Road Relay

Divide your group into teams of  5-6 people.  Teams will begin at a starting line, one team at a time, racing to complete tasks in front of each house on a street.    They start at House #1 with the first challenge. One member of the team jump ropes from the first house to the second house. Then another teammate takes over to complete the next challenge. There is a challenge at each house. You can use chalk to mark start and finish lines on the sidewalk for certain challenges. Set up chairs and equipment as needed. Some challenges are one-person tasks, while others use multiple people or the whole team. Participants just take turns, ensuring that everyone is involved.

Our course went down the street, then crossed to the other side and came back. This made it so we could have one person standing at the same line (both the start and finish line) with a stopwatch. Our race took about 20 minutes for one team to complete.


  • Jump Rope
  • Hula Hoop 10 consecutive rotations
  • 2-man carry
  • Eat a bowl of cereal
  • Shoot right & left lay ups and a free throw (make 3 baskets)
  • Walk with a cotton ball on a spoon (If you drop it, you must return to start.)
  • Knock down a kubb (8”block) with a wooden dowel from 20’
  • Tricycle ride
  • Walk with a tennis ball between knees
  • Long division problem on whiteboard
  • Sled Ride- Carry one teammate on a sled (Don’t drag them!)
  • Scooter ride
  • Human wheelbarrow race
  • 10 push-ups
  • Steamroller the whole team
  • Potato sack race to the finish line
Walking with tennis ball between knees
Team Steamroller
The dreaded long-division problem
Carrying teammate on a sled
Tricycle Ride

Find more family reunion ideas HERE.