Family Sports Fans

Do you have crazy sports fans at your house? So do we. Our family loves cheering. My high school and college kids especially love to dress up, cheer loud, and pump up the crowd.  They have flags, wigs, capes, and coveralls in their team colors. It’s serious business.

Henry Flag

One weekend, when they were all home, my 11-year old nephew mentioned that he had his last rec basketball game of the season. My older boys decided it was time to do something awesome. They invited all of our extended family that lived in town to come to the game. The theme was “White-Out” so everyone was asked to dress in white.

We showed up early to tailgate in the rec center parking lot.  The kids played cornhole and ate pizza. We loved the confused looks of some of the folks driving by in the parking lot.

Then we took over the stands in the rec center. As you may know, there are usually just a few parents and siblings in the stands, so our group really stood out. The other families thought it was hilarious. The statisticians and referees also got the giggles.  This was not a normal day for recreational 6th grade basketball.

The boys worked the crowd, leading them in cheers, chants, and the wave.


One of my sons decorated a few thrift store t-shirts so they could be thrown into the stands during time-outs. It was pretty funny.

Grandma Super Fan

t-shirt winner

We learned all the players’ names and cheered just like we were watching a college game.  The players were a little confused at first, but they soon embraced the crowd and the court was full of smiles.  Every time Cousin Henry made a shot or stole the ball, the crowd went absolutely crazy. It really was so fun!  And, that big smile on Henry’s face was the best of all.

family sports fans

So, we hope this easy idea adds a little fun one day for your family. Make a little person’s day by really showing them you’re their biggest fan!

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