
We love movie nights but sometimes we scroll through streaming lists for a long time and can’t find anything we want to watch.  Does that happen to you? We’ve compiled a few of our favorite family-friendly movies to help you have a great movie night at your house.  All these movies are rated G or PG. (We still encourage you to check to make sure you feel good about a movie before you watch it.) If you’ve found a great family flick to share with our online community, add it to the comments within the posts for each movie genre. Now, pop the popcorn!!

Click Here for Fun Adventure Films

Our Favorite Sports Films


Romantic Comedies to Make You Smile

Our Favorite Quirky Movies (A little weird… but really funny)


Our Favorite Comedies


Inspirational Films


Musicals to Get You Singing

Coming Soon…

Animated Favorites

Christmas Flicks