
This game is great for a group of 3-12 players.

Supplies: Paper and pens

Game Instructions:

A haiku is a Japanese poem of 17 syllables, in 3 lines. The first line has 5 syllables. The second line has 7 syllables. The third line has 5 syllables.  In the Haiku Game, each person has a piece of paper and a pen. They make up the first line of a haiku (5 syllables) and write it on their paper. They then fold the paper so the next person cannot see what they wrote. They pass it to the person on their left and that person adds line two of the haiku (7 syllables). That person fold the paper and passes it again for the third person to write the final 5 syllable line.  Then, everyone unfolds their papers and takes turns reading the haiku in front of them.