Hand Slap


This is a good game for ages 8+. (It seems like younger kids should be able to play it, but they just don’t have the coordination yet.) You’ll want a group of at least 5 people. No equipment needed.

Game Instructions: Players lay on their bellies on the floor in a circle with their hands in the middle of the circle. Each person crosses their left arm over the right arm of the person on their left and their right arm over the left arm of the person on their right. Confused yet? See the photo.

Choose one person to begin the game. Start clockwise. One slap means the slapping continues clockwise. Two slaps means it reverses to counterclockwise. If you don’t slap when it’s your turn, you have to take that hand out of the game. When both hands are out, you’re out of the circle.

Last two in are the winners!