Line Up

This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want a group of at least 10 people. No equipment needed. This is a great game when you’re waiting in a line. You can challenge some other families waiting in line at an amusement park. It’s perfect at a youth activity where you have to wait between events.

Game Instructions: Players divide into two or more groups. The host calls out a category. The groups must sort themselves into order and line up accordingly. The first group to form their line wins a point.

Category Ideas:

Hair length (longest to shortest)

Shoe size (Biggest to smallest)

Father’s age (Oldest to youngest)

Favorite cold cereal- Line up alphabetically

Number of times you’ve been to Disneyland

Birthday (in order by month- not year)

Favorite book- Line up alphabetically

Favorite Star Wars character- Line up by character’s height

Number of broken bones

Favorite Sport- Line up alphabetically