Spit in Your Eye

This is a good game for all ages. You’ll want a group of at least 5 people.  I think 7-12 is ideal.

 Supplies: Thimble or teaspoon and a cup of water.

Game Instructions:  Players are all seated except for one person. That person stands in the middle with a thimble or tablespoon of water. He thinks of a category and a specific answer within his category. For example, the category is Languages and the specific answer is German. He announces his category to the group. The person with the water goes around to each player asking for an answer. When someone says “German”, the water is thrown at that person and he is now “It”. Other examples of categories are Sports, Makes of Cars, Cold Cereal, Musicals, and Superheroes.  If someone repeats an answer that was already given, they also get “spit in their eye” for not paying attention.