Summer Chore Chart Gameboard

Summer is a time to play and have fun, but there are still jobs that must be done each day to keep parents sane and everyone healthy.  Make a plan to stay on top of daily chores and skills while still having fun.

This year we added a gameboard to our summer calendar.  The idea is simple. As kids complete their daily responsibilities, they move up the board and earn fun rewards.

Board Game Job Chart and Calendar

We brainstormed fun activities we would like to do this summer and built them into our gameboard.  Hint: Involve your kids in the planning and they’ll be more likely to participate!

Some of the rewards on our gameboard include:

Crepes for breakfast (We call them Norwegian pancakes.)

Stay up late


Pick a book at the local bookstore

Extra/Free screen time

Movie Night

Choose Dinner

Backyard Campout


Sleepover with Cousins

Field Trip of you choice

Snow Cones

Date Night with Mom or Dad

Choose a special dessert

Climbing Gym

You’ll also have to figure out the best way for your kids to move up the game board.  You can see our rules in the photo above.  Create your own rules based on the age of your children and your family goals.

For more ideas on teaching children to work, see our post Chore Charts &  Beyond.