Messy Disgusting Derby Party

If you have a kid who loves to play in the dirt, then we have a party plan for you. This party is a mess, literally. Get your camera set up and prepare to laugh a lot at our messy Disgusting Derby!

Whipped Cream Face

The Disgusting Derby

First things first…

Make sure your invitation warns your guests to wear old clothes. Seriously, they may want to throw them away at the end of the party.  Here’s our simple invitation:

Disgusting Derby Invitation

Now for the activities…

Divide your guests into groups of two people. Each pair will be a team. The activities will include a series of disgusting competitions.

Messy Marshmallow Drop

Supplies: Each team will need 5 large marshmallows, one cup of chocolate pudding, and one chair.

One person from each team will stand on a chair. The other will lay on the ground next to the chair. The goal is to dip a marshmallow in pudding, then drop it into the mouth of your partner laying on the ground. The team with the most marshmallow catches gets the points.

Messy Marshmallow Drop

Close Up of Messy Marshmallow Drop

Spitty Sticky Game

Supplies: One roll of LifeSavers per team (14 LifeSavers are in a roll.)

This game is seriously gross.  One person in the pair will suck on the LifeSavers, then stick as many as they can on their partner’s face. They have 30 seconds. The team with the most LifeSavers on a face gets the points.

Spitty Sticky LifeSavers Game

Close Up of Spitty Sticky Game

Whipped Cream Toss

Supplies: One or two cans of spray whipped cream.

An adult will spray a blob of whipped cream on the top of each person’s hand. The kids will flip the whipped cream in the air and try to catch it in their mouths. (See video.) Give every player at least three chances.  The team with the most successful catches gets the points.

Whipped Cream Toss

Whipped Cream Catch

Gross Goatees

Supplies: Each team will need a plastic cup with 1/8-1/4 cup corn syrup in it. They will also need a plastic cup with 1/2 cup of Life Cereal crumbs. (Make the crumbs by pouring Life cereal in a Ziplock bag and smashing it with a rolling pin or your hands.)

Once again, the teams will decide who will do each of two tasks. One person will paint a beard and mustache on their partner with their fingers and corn syrup.  Then they will pat Life cereal crumbs on the syrup to create “facial hair.” So funny!  Best beard wins the points.

Close Up of Gross Goatees

Gross Goatee Bearded Boy

Disgusting Derby (Relay Race)

Supplies: Paper Plates, Creamy and slimy foods such as pudding, refried beans, canned tomato soup, cottage cheese, peanut butter, hummus, whipped cream, baby food, yogurt, and mud.

Combine the pairs into two large teams for a relay race. Players will run across the yard to a table. The table will have paper plates sitting on it. Each plate has one of the following items: pudding, refried beans, tomato soup, cottage cheese, peanut butter, hummus, whipped cream, baby food, yogurt, or mud.  Anything slimy, sticky, or creamy will work!  The plates will then be covered with a second plate so the contents are hidden. When the runner reaches the table, they point to a plate. An adult removes the cover and the player must smash his face in the contents before he can run back to tag the next person in line. Those who hesitate usually don’t win!

Running toward the mess
Running toward the mess!
Smashing his face into chocolate pudding. Lucky choice!
Refried Beans Face
Covered in refried beans
Disgusting Derby- Tomato soup
Oooh! Tomato soup slime.

Whipped Cream Face

Water Fight

End the party with an epic water fight!  It may help clean up your little mess-makers, or it may just make everything more sticky. Either way, it will be fun.


You can choose your favorite messy dessert.  We served Dirt & Worms at our party. Yum!

Dirt and Worms Dessert Recipe

We hope this party is as much fun at your house as it was at ours!

Gross Goatees
Sticky bearded boys!

Find more of our unique party ideas for kids ages 8-12  at Big Kid Parties.