Ultimate Spoons

spoons game

This is a good game for ages 5+. You’ll want a group of 4-10 people.

Supplies: 1 Deck of cards, a spoon for all but one person participating. If you have 8 people, you’ll need 7 spoons.

Game Instructions: This is the classic game of Spoons but with an element of Hide and Seek thrown in the mix.

First, I will describe the standard game of Spoons: Divide your cards into stacks of each number. (stack of Aces, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and so on). Set aside the royals. You will need a set of one number for each person playing. If you have 6 players, you will use six numbers (like cards 2-7). Shuffle these cards, then deal 4 to each player. Place spoons in the middle of the group- one less than the number of players. So, if you have 6 players, place 5 spoons in the middle. The players then begin passing their cards, one at a time clockwise. They pick up a card and they can choose to keep it or pass it to the next player. Once someone has four cards of the same number, they quietly pick up a spoon. The other players try to pick up spoons quickly. The person left without a spoon gets an S (like in the basketball game Horse). A player is out of the game when they have spelled SPOONS. For a shorter game, spell FUN.

In Ultimate Spoons, you need an extra person (who is not playing) to hide the spoons in the house. They hide them all together. Once a player has four cards of the same number, they take off looking for the spoons. The others join in and the person left without a spoon receives a letter. Note: When a player finds the spoons, he takes one but does not tell the other players where they are hidden.