Four Men on a Couch

This is a good game for ages 5 – adults. You’ll want a group of at least 8 people.

Supplies: A couch and other chairs/seats for every player, small pieces of paper with the names of each player written on them.  You can play this game without a couch. You’ll just have to designate four seats in a row to serve as your couch. You can change the name of the game to Four Men on a Log or Four Men on Blue Folding Chairs.

Game Instructions:

Write each person’s name on a slip of paper and put it in a bowl. Ideally, you want the same number of males and females. If this isn’t true for your party, divide into two groups and give half scarves or a sticker on their forehead to identify them as a team. Seat everyone boy-girl-boy-girl around the circle. You will need to have four people sitting on a couch or identify 4 chairs as your “couch”. You will also need one empty chair in your circle. After you are set up, pass the bowl around and have each person take a name. It’s okay if it is their own name. They need to keep this name secret. This is a memory game and they are now that person for the game. The person to the right of the empty chair calls a name. Whoever has that slip of paper moves to the empty chair. Now there is a new empty seat. The person to the right of that seat calls another name and the moving continues. The object of the game is to get the individuals on the other team off the couch and your own teammates on the couch. The first group to occupy all four of the couch seats wins!