What If…?


This is a good game for all ages of people who can read and write. You’ll want a group of 4-12 people.

Supplies: Pens and small pieces of paper (index card size) for everyone.

Game Instructions: Everyone in the group writes a question on their piece of paper. They put their questions in a bowl. Then everyone draws a question out of the bowl and writes an answer to that question on the back of the paper. They return all the paper to the bowl. Next, everyone takes one paper out of the bowl. The first person reads the question on their paper. They do not read the answer. The next person reads the answer on their paper. After everyone laughs, sighs, or looks confused, they read their question. This is followed by the next person reading their answer. Sometimes the questions and answers don’t make any sense, but there are always a few gems that make everyone laugh.

Tip: It’s more fun if the questions/answers involve the people in the group. It may sound something like this…

Question: “What if Anna liked Landon?”

Answer: “She would remind him to wear clean socks and underwear”. (The question was originally, “What if Conner’s mom was on this camp-out?”)