Amazing Race Party

I get a little bored with the traditional classroom parties.  They usually consist of five or six “centers”.  The kids rotate to each center participating in a game, craft, or eating a snack.  This type of party is great for younger kids, but when the kids hit 3rd or 4th grade, they’re ready for something different. This year, I combined my 3rd and 6th graders’ classes for a joint Halloween party.  I created an Amazing Race all around the outside of the school.  I divided the students into teams of 6-7 people. I told them they had one hour to complete 12 challenges.  They would need to find the challenges and follow the instructions. Each team received a Team Tracker Worksheet to keep track of their progress. The team with the most completed challenges would be declared the champions.  It was nice for the kids to run around outside, have a little competition, then finish with nachos, apples, and juice.  Here’s what we did…

Challenge #1

Identify each jar of baby food by smelling, tasting, or looking at the jars.
Complete the worksheet and put it in your bag.  You’ll receive one point for each correct answer.

Challenge #2

Complete three cereal box puzzles.
Ask an adult to initial your instruction page when you finish. Then mix up the puzzles so they’ll be ready for the next team.
(I made three puzzles by cutting up the front panel of 3 cereal boxes into 16 squares per box. Super easy!)

Challenge #3

Every person on your team will hold a spaghetti noodle in their mouth. They must use the noodle to pick up three penne pasta noodles, then drop the penne in the bowl.
When everyone has transferred three noodles from the table to the bowl, you have completed this challenge. Ask an adult to initial your instruction page when you finish. Please put all the used spaghetti noodles in the trash!

Challenge #4

Build a human pyramid with your team. No more than three people can be touching the ground. Stay in the pyramid for at least five seconds.
Ask an adult to initial your instruction page when you finish.

Challenge #5

Dab Vaseline on one of your team members’ noses. They must pick up 8 cotton balls with their nose, then drop them (shake them off) into the bowl.
Ask an adult to initial your instruction page when you finish.

Challenge #6

Stack 55 cups with 10 on the bottom row. Once you have them all standing in a pyramid, you will have completed this task.
Ask an adult to initial your instruction page when you finish.

Challenge #7

Choose two people on your team to complete this challenge. One person will wear a blindfold and hold a tube of lipstick. He or she will apply the lipstick to the lips of the second person. That person will use their painted lips to make a face (2 eyes, 1 nose, and a mouth) on the paper pumpkin affixed to the wall. Reapply the lipstick as often as needed to complete the face.
Tear the paper off the wall and put it in your bag as proof that you completed this challenge.

Challenge #8

Search through the trees to find the ribbon that matches your team’s arm bands. Do not remove any ribbons that do not belong to your team.
Put the ribbon in your bag to show you completed this challenge.

Challenge #9

Each person on your team must eat two crackers, then whistle. Ask an adult to listen and initial your instruction page after they are able to hear a whistle from each member of your team.
(If someone doesn’t know how to whistle, the adult can give approval for a good effort.)

Challenge #10

Find the secret phrase by completing the Movie/Book Quiz.
Put the worksheet in your bag to show you completed this challenge.

Challenge #11

Find the secret word by completing the Sort Quiz.
Put the worksheet in your bag to show you completed this challenge.

Challenge #12

Use the code below to decipher the message.
Put your interpretation of the code in your bag to show you completed this challenge.

Party Supply List

Instruction Page for each group  Team Tracker Worksheet
Aerial map of school for each group (with 12 stations marked on map)
Print out instructions for each challenge. Amazing Race Challenges
Bag and pen for each group
Pen for judges
At least 3 cereal box puzzles
10 jars of baby food
Plastic spoons and plates for baby food
Arm bands or bandanas for each team
At least 55 plastic cups
cotton balls
spaghetti noodles
penne noodles
2 bowls for noodles
garbage can for noodles
lipstick (Q-tips to apply lipstick or at least tissues to wipe between users)
blind fold for lipstick
paper pumpkins affixed to wall
ribbons same as armbands for trees (1 of each color)
Saltine crackers (2 per student)
Movie Quizzes (1 per team)  Movie and Book Quiz
Sort Quizzes (1 per team)  Sort Quiz
Crack the Code (1 per team) Crack the Code
Refreshments for end of race